The OPSEC Process Identify Critical Information Information about friendly (US, allied, and/or coalition) activities, intentions, capabilities, or limitations an adversary seeks in order to gain a military, political, diplomatic, economic, or technological advantageOperations Security (OPSEC) Plan For Subcontract No * Name* Date * Ensure Proper Classification of Document When Complete INTRODUCTION OPSEC is a systematic and proven process by which CONTRACTOR and its supporting subcontractors can deny to potential adversaries information about capabilities and intentions by identifying, controlling andThe OPSEC process identifies critical information and determines when that information may cease to be critical in the life cycle of an operation, program, or activity Analysis of Threats Threat analysis consists of determining the adversary's ability to collect, process, analyze, and use information The objective of threat analysis is to What Is The Last Step In The Opsec Process 18 A...